Tips4Leaders: 18 minutes per day to keep you focused

In the previous article of the #Tips4Leaders series, I’ve presented you with the 3 top things to consider when facilitating. In today’s issue, I’m going to walk you through the steps I follow to keep me focused and get the best out the limited amount of time that I’ve in a day. That’s right, we are talking about time management here.…

Everybody wants to have fun (Structure to conquer)

When working with a new team; not necessarily new to practicing with Agile Scrum, but new to practicing together, I’ve observed a lot of challenges to overcome: Stakeholders wanting results as soon as possible; Software developers nervous about their jobs and how uncertain the future looks; Product Owners trying to please everybody but themselves; Unclear…

Context shifting, adapting to survive

In today’s world, context shifting has become a common theme. In fact, being in an organization now-a-days is like being inside infinite waves of continuous change. People arriving or leaving, law changes, aggressive, strong handed competitors; all surrounded by economical constraints, in a chaotically organized world. There are several challenges that arise for a leader…

The Art of possibility – Dream and makes them dream to inspire and get inspired

I’ve finished an online course named “Inspiring Leadership through Emotional Intelligence” that I totally recommend if you want to improve your leadership skills and inspire people by developing your resonant leadership. One of its modules, refers to the Ideal Self, which comes from an image of your desired future, your core identity and hope. Right…