Those things that I really like to do

I’m really passionate about working with people, observing them, spending time trying to get into what they want in life, identify what motivates their souls and determining what the igniters are that could turn their regular day into a spectacular one. I truly believe that by collaborating, with sincerity, honesty and good intentions everything is…

Establishing a relationship of trust, your main goal

Let me introduce to you my friend Tom Agile. Tom is an experienced Scrum Master/Agile Coach who is really passionate about helping others to reach their maximum potential. In today’s post, we will share Tom’s latest experience with his new scrum team, and how about his experiences when establishing a relationship of trust with them.…

The battle of re-factoring, The two towers

During the Agile Team Development Canvas 4th iteration experiment, I was looking for ideas to help the team to deal with what I’ve called: The battle of re-factoring, The two towers So I decided to explore different ways to answer these questions: – What exactly the issue was? – What was the root cause? – What is the…

Share goals and make the difference

Context During the Agile Team Development Canvas 2nd. iteration experiment, I worked with a small Scrum team composed by two (2) developers and its Product Owner. This team does support(operational stuff) and develop new features at the same time, and it’s considered a service team, which means that its mission is to help other teams…

Where are we with the stakeholders? Shu-Ha-Ri? Exploring phase

In Japanese martial arts there is a concept which describes the stages of learning to mastery named Shuhari: Shu (守?) “Novice or beginner; narrowly following give practices” – traditional wisdom -learning fundamentals, techniques, proverbs. ha (破?) “detach, digress, following, but extending, perfecting, occasionally breaking the rules” — breaking with tradition — detachment from the illusions of self. ri (離?) “leave, separate, perfecting to creating your own practices” — transcendence — there…