Where are we with the stakeholders? Shu-Ha-Ri? Exploring phase

In Japanese martial arts there is a concept which describes the stages of learning to mastery named Shuhari: Shu (守?) “Novice or beginner; narrowly following give practices” – traditional wisdom -learning fundamentals, techniques, proverbs. ha (破?) “detach, digress, following, but extending, perfecting, occasionally breaking the rules” — breaking with tradition — detachment from the illusions of self. ri (離?) “leave, separate, perfecting to creating your own practices” — transcendence — there…

The Art of possibility – Dream and makes them dream to inspire and get inspired

I’ve finished an online course named “Inspiring Leadership through Emotional Intelligence” that I totally recommend if you want to improve your leadership skills and inspire people by developing your resonant leadership. One of its modules, refers to the Ideal Self, which comes from an image of your desired future, your core identity and hope. Right…