Guest Blogging at Scrumexpert & Methods and Tools

Guest Blogging at ScrumExpert & Methods and Tools Franco Martinig editor and responsible of the digital Magazines Methods & Tools and ScrumExpert invited me last year, to share my experiences about Agility, specially with Scrum projects with his audience. Here are the articles that I’ve written there: Techniques for Improving Sprint Retrospectives – Part 1 Techniques for Improving Sprint…

The secret sauce of a team (Outer team factors)

In my previous post “the Inner team factor to reach greatness“, I have shared some thoughts about the outcome of a retrospective with one of my teams, who listed the “key elements which have allowed them reach a high level of maturity, ownership, calmness and responsibility“. Like I said back then, I was and I’m still surprised about the attitude and the quality of the majority of the…

The secret sauce of a team (Inner team factors)

A couple of weeks ago, I facilitated a sprint retrospective with a mature Agile Scrum team, composed by three experienced developers and a its Product Owner. Like we used to doing at the end of every single two week sprint, we met for an hour or more to inspect the sprint and adapt in consequence. But what…

Play the role of superhero that you have inside – I (Protecting the Product Owner)

My friend Tom Agile likes playing the super hero role, so once in it; he believes that he has been empowered to protect the team against interruptions, disruptions or impediments that could block their path to success. Tom is courageous, he enjoys being the middle man, the mediator, the bond builder, but when wearing the…

Share goals and make the difference

Context During the Agile Team Development Canvas 2nd. iteration experiment, I worked with a small Scrum team composed by two (2) developers and its Product Owner. This team does support(operational stuff) and develop new features at the same time, and it’s considered a service team, which means that its mission is to help other teams…